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The one and only permanent solution for the problems caused by scale formation in industrial installations

Every industrial installation that uses water faces major problems due to scale deposits which are caused by the formation of calcium carbonate ions. These deposits can not be removed with any method, apart from the use of extremely strong chemicals which corrode and destroy on the long run the internal parts of the installation.


MAX GROW electronic water treatment device has the ability to extinguish all scale formations from the internal parts of any installation without permitting the formation of new scale deposits. It can remove effectively all existing scale deposits without the use of chemicals, completely environmentaly friendly, without any additional costs or creating any damages.



The major components of industrial installations that tend to form scale deposits, are steam boilers, steam generators, water pumps, cooling towers, chillers, fan coilers, condensers, humidifiers, pasteurizers, water tanks and in general wherever water is used.


Moreover, max grow decreases the purchase cost of new equipment, ensuring the problem free operation of the installation, as it extends the life span of the installation.

The treated water from MAX GROW electronic water treatment system apart from removing all existing scale deposits from the pumps and the filtration systems, has increased level of liquidity and solubility due to the disintegration of the calcium carbonate molecules in size up to four microns, enabling water to flow freely through the piping and the machinery, especially when water injectors (springlers) are used in the installation.
The removal of scale deposits eliminates all the expenses of maintenance required due to the problems occurring because of the formation of scale deposits. Additionally it decreases energy consumption due to the fact that internal scale deposits become an insulation material, not allowing the machinery to reach the desired temperatures.

The disadvantages of cleaning manually any installation from scale deposits

The only effective method which is being followed for many years, by industries worldwide, in order to clean their equipment from scale deposits is by using labor in conjunction with highly strong chemicals such as hydrochloric acid. This method is extremely costly, harmful for the environment and the health of the humans involved in this procedure and last but not least, it has to be done repeatedly, adding to the production cost and to the cost of the final product.

The above fact is not the only downside. The disadvantages are many, but the most important and identifiable is that all acids used create an extreme wear to all the metallic parts of the installation. A bigger wear is created in more sensitive parts of the equipment such as plastics and silicone based paraphernalia.


The most important disadvantage of strong chemical cleaning, which is not being considered of highly importance, because it can not be identified easily, is the fact that it is humanly impossible to clean every bit of internal pipe network with acid and break up all the lime scale which is formed inside. This phenomenon occurs due to the constantly altering quantity of scale formation inside a pipeline. Particularly when the pipeline is of a big size and runs for hundreds of meters with various curbs and twists, it is impossible to remove all scale deposits manually.


All of the above do not express personal opinions, but are based in our experience throughout the years and can be verified scientifically upon request.

MAX GROW prevents the abnormal wear of the sensitive parts of machinery that are being wetted such as plastic conveyors, o-rings, shafts, bearings and silicon parts.

More than four thousand MAX GROW electronic water treatment systems are installed in Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, for many years now with one hundred per cent satisfactory results in various industrial installations such as industries, hotels, hospitals, government organizations, football stadiums, farms, greenhouses  and buildings.
