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The positive effects of “MAX GROW” have been demonstrated at the Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, department of Water and Ground Management, with a thesis that its results are reported below, where olive oil trees grew with extremely saline water (Ec 33.000 μS / cm). Furthermore, a scientific study in the American Farm School of Thessaloniki has already prooved the efficiency of the device with astonishing results in vegetable crops using high salinity water.



In the link at the bottom of the page you may find the official publication of  the scientific research implemented by Dr. Gertsis and PhD Candidate Mr. Zoukidis in the peer-reviewed scientific journal  “European Water”. The scientific research deals with the effectiveness of Max Grow in vegetable production in greenhouse with saline water.

The link for the scientific article is the following:


Published Article N. 45

Alternatively, you may download the article here:

EWRA publication

Executive Summary of 1st Greenhouse Study (American Farm School of Thessaloniki – May 2015)

Evaluation of the irrigation water treatment technology (MAXGROW) on its effects on the yield of vegetable crops

Dr. Athanasios Gertsis

Department of Environmental Systems Management, Precision Agriculture Laboratory, Perrotis College,

American Farm School, Thessaloniki, Greece, e-mail: agerts@afs.edu.gr


Executive Summary of Greenhouse Study – 2015

During the last two decades, irrigation water quality has become worst in terms of increasing its salinity and causes severe problems in many cultivated crop species, resulting in lower yield. In addition, the scarcity of irrigation water due to overuse is another limitation for increasing food and feed production. This study evaluates a water treatment technology (MAXGROW) for its potential to minimize effects of saline irrigation water and its possible effects of crop productivity. A greenhouse study in pots was undertaken using two substrates (a sandy loam soil and a mixture of pumice and a composted material in 4:1 v/v ratiol), four vegetable species (green onions, spinach, radishes and arugula) irrigated with two qualities of irrigation water (a highly saline with EC~8 dS/m and a regular irrigation water with EC~0,6 dS/m) treated and untreated with the MAXGROW technology. The results (comprehensive Table 1) showed an increased yield caused by the treated saline water in almost all species and the two substrates. The potential of this device was shown to be very promising. Additional studies in greenhouse are in progress currently for continuous evaluation using more plant species, growth substrates and soil types and higher salinity level irrigation water.


Table 1. Yield results for each substrate,  irrigation type and plant species

SUBSTRATE Irrigation type Crop species Fresh Yield (g/pot) Statistical significance*
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Treated Arugola 195,4 ab
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Treated Arugola 203,6 a
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Non treated Arugola 180,2 ab
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Non treated Arugola 171,8 b
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Treated Arugola 176,2 a
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Treated Arugola 135,4 b
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Non treated Arugola 124,6 bc
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Non treated Arugola 106 c
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Treated Green onions 106,8 ab
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Treated Green onions 81,8 b
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Non treated Green onions 115,2 a
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Non treated Green onions 92,6 ab
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Treated Green onions 142,8 a
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Treated Green onions 97,4 b
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Non treated Green onions 101,4 b
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Non treated Green onions 142,8 a
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Treated Radish 70,6 b
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Treated Radish 82,2 ab
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Non treated Radish 106,6 a
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Non treated Radish 89,4 ab
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Treated Radish 129,6 a
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Treated Radish 70 b
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Non treated Radish 34,8 c
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Non treated Radish 63,4 b
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Treated Spinach 77,4 ab
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Treated Spinach 57,2 b
Pumice+Compost Saline water-Non treated Spinach 100,6 a
Pumice+Compost Regular water-Non treated Spinach 63,6 b
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Treated Spinach 129,2 a
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Treated Spinach 112,4 a
Sandy loam soil Saline water-Non treated Spinach 130,4 a
Sandy loam soil Regular water-Non treated Spinach 110,2 a


* Treatments not connected by same letter are significant different


The saline water (mixed sea water and irrigation water to bring the EC to ~ 8dS/m) treated with the MAXGROW device increased statistically the yield in many cases while in all cases caused the very high yield. Then only crop species that was not affected by irrigation type was spinach in the sandy loam soil. In the sandy loam soil substrate, the saline water treated produced the highest yields in all four crop species (spinach, radish, green onions and arugula), while in the Pumice+Compost substrate the yield was among the top in all crop species but not as high and significant as in the sandy loam substrate.


Our company, is solely sponsoring the most realistic scientific research project implemented by any company worldwide till today, regarding the proof of the effectiveness of our technology, both in low electrical conductivity water as well as extremely saline water. The research takes place in the greenhouse laboratory of Perrotis College, of the American Farm School of Thessaloniki.

Initially four different crops are irrigated with high salinity and “normal” water (water with low Ec), treated from Max Grow (generation V models). Green onions, spinach, radishes and arugula (rochette) in two different soil types. In order for the differencies to be shown, apart from the scientific monitoring and the final research results, the exact same crops with the exact same water quality but without the max grow treatment will be irrigated in the same greenhouse. This way, the comparison in growth, colour and development will be obvious, even by non-experts. The layout of the experiment is described on the following graphic images, at the bottom of this page.

The project is organized and supervised by soil-scientist Dr. Athanasios  Gertsis. Dr. Athanasios Gertsis was recently honored for his scientific work and contribution to innovative agriculture practices by the former President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Karolos Papoulias.
